The puppies began arriving at 3:42 am on January 28th. BoPeep delivered 3 girls and 2 boys. With only 5 pups in the litter, Bo has an abundant supply of milk. The puppies are all eating well and gaining weight daily.
1 Week Update
Theodore 1 lb 5.8 oz
Brandon 1 lb 6.6 oz
Curie 1 lb 8.7 oz
Este 1 lb 8.8 oz
Macie 1 lb 9.5 oz
The puppies are all doing well, eating well and gaining weight nicely. Because there are only 5 puppies in the litter, they are getting plenty to eat and growing quickly. This is a calm, quiet, contented group. BoPeep is a wonderful mother.
Weight @ 2 Weeks
2 Week Update
Theodore 2 lbs 6.0 oz
Este 2 lbs 6.5 oz
Brandon 2 lbs 8.4 oz
Curie 2 lbs 14.4 oz
Macie 2 lbs 14.8 oz
The puppies continue to thrive. Everyone’s eyes were opened by their 2 week birthday. This week they will start to sit up and take a couple of steps. Their ears will open by their 3 week birthday. BoPeep continues to be very protective of them.
Weight @ 3 Weeks
3 Week Update
Este 3 lbs 2.2 oz
Theodore 3 lbs 5.4 oz
Macie 3 lbs 8.8 oz
Brandon 3 lbs 10.9 oz
Curie 3 lbs 13.7 oz
The puppies have begun sitting up and taking a few steps. Their ears have opened and they are now hearing sounds. BoPeep and the puppies have moved out of the nursery into a playpen crate in the family room.
Weight @ 4 Weeks
Weekly Update
Este 4 lbs 1.0 oz
Theodore 4 lbs 4.4 oz
Curie 4 lbs 8.2 oz
Brandon 4 lbs 8.8 oz
Macie 4 lbs 11.4 oz
The pups had their first solid meal on their 4 week birthday. They will continue to nurse while adding 2 meals of solid food for the first few days. Then a third meal will be added as BoPeep begins the weaning process. They are still a quiet, contented group. They do love being cuddled and are already asking to be picked up when we enter the room.
Weight @ 5 Weeks
Weekly Update
Este 4 lbs 13.6 oz
Theodore 5 lbs 1.4 oz
Curie 5 lbs 3.4 oz
Brandon 5 lbs 6.3 oz
Macie 5 lbs 8.7 oz
The pups are enjoying playtime outside the playpen crate. They had their first bath and blow-dry. Everyone handled it well. Their nails were clipped and face & feet were shaved. They will increase from 2 solid meals per day to 3 this week. BoPeep is still sleeping with them overnight and nursing them during the day. She will begin the weaning process this week.
Weight @ 6 Weeks
Weekly Update
Este 6 lbs 8.4 oz
Curie 6 lbs 10.6 oz
Theodore 7 lbs 0.6 oz
Brandon 7 lbs 4.2 oz
Macie 7 lbs 9.2 oz
The pups had their second bath and groom for their 6 week pics. Their microchips were inserted for their visit to the vet. Everyone did well with the visit including with their first puppy shot. The outside puppy pen has been set-up and the babes will begin going outside several times a day. They are enjoying playtime in the living-room. They will continue sleeping together through the night and for naps in the playpen crate this week. From 4 to 6 weeks, I have been grinding their kibble and adding canned pumpkin & chicken broth to make a soft food for them. They have now moved on to eating kibble. I top it with a bit of pumpkin.
Weight @ 7 Weeks
Weekly Update
Este 7 lbs 10.1 oz
Curie 7 lbs 10.4 oz
Theodore 8 lbs 9.3 oz
Brandon 8 lbs 10.1 oz
Macie 8 lbs 12.6 oz
The pups had their weekly bath and blow-dry. They did well with the groom table. Our cats, Maurice & Maverick, hang out in the groom room and their presence seems to soothe the pups and capture their attention. The weather did not cooperate for a lot of outside time this past week but we did get outside a few times. This week the pups start taking their naps in individual crates during the day.
Weight @ 8 Weeks
Weekly Update
Este 8 lbs 8.8 oz
Curie 8 lbs 9.1 oz
Brandon 9 lbs 5.8 oz
Macie 9 lbs 15.1 oz
Theodore 10 lbs 0.4 oz
Este and Macie joined their families on their 8 week birthday. Brandon, Curie and Theodore have joined the younger litter for playtime inside. Everyone has learned quickly to come “inside” when outside potty and playtime is done. This week we are learning the “leave it” command.
Weight @9 Weeks
Weekly Update
Curie 10 lbs 3.5 oz
Brandon 11 lbs 8.5 oz
Theodore 11 lbs 15.5 oz
The puppies are doing well with crate training for naps. After playtime, they tire out and go to their individual crates. I cover the crates with a sheet and turn on relaxing music for dogs. Because all three are staying until the age of 12 weeks, they are still sleeping together during the night. We are learning the “sit” command and “come-front” this week. I am behind with the individual pictures but will have them posted by Friday mornig.
Weight @ 10 Weeks
Weekly Update
Curie 11 lbs 10.0 oz
Brandon 12 lbs 13.5 oz
Theodore 13 lbs 6.0 oz
The puppies have begun sleeping in their individual crates overnight. We are learning the “lay-down” and “bed” commands this week. Outside training has been going well considering the rainy, windy weather. The pups went to the vet for their 10 week exam & 2nd puppy shot.
Weight @ 12 Weeks
Weekly Update
Brandon 15 lbs 9.5 oz
Theodore 15 lbs 14.5 oz
House-training is going well, with everyone going outside regularly. Crate-training has been excellent. They are sleeping through the night without accidents. Bed-time is around 9pm and we get up at 7am during the week. Both boys are responding very well to their basic commands. Leash training was going well but the rain and cold weather has put a pause on that. We are expecting warmer weather over the next few days and will get back to it soon.